Friday, August 31, 2012

Home is Where the Heart Is

It's hard to believe it has already been almost a week since I finished up my summer at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens.  As much as I miss Cleveland and CBG though, I have never been more happy to be home.  Although I could have done without some of the heat (90 degree temperatures decided to follow me to MN!).  I've enjoyed time spent with family and now I am looking forward to my drive back to Saint Paul to be with friends and prepare for my final two semesters as a Golden Gopher. 

Monday evening was spent relaxing at home.  Dad and I also went on a four-wheeler ride.  Oddly enough, after being around these machines for so many years, I have never driven one myself until this week.  Once I learned, it really wasn't that difficult at all especially after all of the machinery I operated this summer at CBG.  It was so wonderful to experience solitude again, and simply be in the middle of the woods with barely anybody else around. 

After a long drive from Ohio, it was so nice to be home again.  I spent all day Tuesday in the kitchen, something I had definitely been missing over the summer.  I love to bake and cook, but it's been months since I have had a good baking day.  Fortunately my Papa had lots of apples picked which either needed to be dealt with in the kitchen or taken to the deer in order to distract them from Mom and Dad's garden.  Well, their garden is going to have to suffer because I was baking up a storm!  At the end of the day, I had made two apple pies, two loaves of apple bread, a German apple cheesecake, and homemade applesauce.  Plus, I cooked a delectable steak dinner for Mom and myself.  Our dinner even included some of the veggies picked from their garden.


Yesterday was spent on the shores of Lake Superior and as much as I loved Lake Erie, Lake Superior is still well how shall I put it...superior.  We started off in Two Harbors and Flood Bay beach.  The water was a lot chillier however, so no swimming for me.  Next was off to Duluth.  We stopped at Leif Erickson Park to check out the rose garden.  It was stunning, I was so impressed to see all of the roses still flourishing in bloom.  And the black spot is not nearly as rampant as the poor roses at CBG.  We also got to have dinner with my cousin Kelsey, it was great to see her again!  I have missed so many people over the summer, and I cannot wait to see more.  The family Cranium game was even brought up, there were no questions who is in the running for three time champs this year!  Ally, Kelsey, and I are a power team - there is no chance of beating our intuition and matching brainwaves.  The rest of the family hasn't quite accepted this fact, but I guess the truth will soon be revealed as Christmas 2012 approaches quickly. 


A quick flashback here to childhood days and family trips to Duluth.  I have clearly changed my opinion of flowers from that day judging by facial expressions!  And just as anything I will move on now and all my CBG pictures and memories will always be memories, but I know there are still many more exciting things to come.  In fact, I have even decided to continue my blog.  I may have to adjust the name or description a bit, but I have loved writing so much that I would love to keep at it.  And since I happen to be the teacher's assistant for Floral Design this fall, why not keep going?!  So all of my followers, no need to quit yet!  I look forward to sharing with you my upcoming adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Nat, need I remind you that pride goeth before a FALL!!! Jordan and I can't wait till Christmas either!!!!

