Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's A Bug's World

This week has been one of the best so far this summer, I can't credit anything specific but I have been so happy.  I don't want to lose this feeling at all, I hope it stays with me as I begin to prepare for a journey home.  It really has hit me this week how thankful I am for deciding to accept this internship and move my life for three months.  Any of you readers who knew me well prior to this probably would not have guessed I would ever go through with it, but here I am and thankful everyday for the way everything has worked out.  I have learned so much, not only about horticulture and the workings of a public garden but also about myself and the things I want out of my life in the future.  I have a great staff and a few other special people around to thank for these lessons learned. 

As far as horticulture is concerned, today included a lot of new lessons and experiences including the use of beneficial insects and implementing integrated pest management as well as learning a bit more about turf.  Lessons in turf more or less included learning how to use the mower and string trimmer.  My arms are proof of this lesson, they felt like jello after using the trimmer!  It's just an awkward piece of equipment to work with, but I'll admit it got a bit easier when I switched from my right to left hand.  I've gotten so use to working with right-handed equipment this summer that it didn't even occur to me this machine could be easily used by a creative leftie, too!

As I was preparing to get the mower started, I was chatting with Mark about my past experiences with lawn mowers.  And by experience, I mean multiple failed attempts at getting the mower started because it never seemed to be in proper working condition.  Of course dad could generally start it right away without a problem, ironic right?  So when Mark asked if I had a lot of experience mowing, I had to admit I had more experience in creating excuses for not mowing the lawn!  It wasn't really that bad though, and I even managed to keep a relatively straight path! 

In the afternoon, the interns were able to sneak away from the outside heat for a 'IPM in a Nutshell!'  tour through Costa Rica.  I cannot say enough how impressed I am with CBG's embrace of IPM, especially in the glasshouse biomes.  I've enjoyed working with other methods before, and already dedicated one post to the benefits of IPM at CBG.  Yet again, today revealed a new lesson with the use of beneficial insects as a method of management.  Before releasing the lady beetles and predatory mites, Mark gave us a run down on IPM.  He has a great attitude towards IPM, its importance, and its use in a variety of sites.  Through a few IPM walks and again today, Mark heavily emphasizes the site specific character of IPM.  I cannot agree with him more, it is not going to be the same for everyone, in fact it may differ drastically.  Managing pests is all about understanding your site, what they are a susceptible to, how to control the insects, when to control the insects, etc.  IPM is a very individualized.

So, after our quick lesson, it was time to work with some beneficial insects.  Leslie and I were put in charge of the lady beetles and their release.  It was a bit of creepy-crawly job!  We released them at the base of a few trees with susceptibility to aphids.  The beetles were definitely anxious to be released and upon receiving their freedom, they didn't all know quite which way to go.  In general they had a tendency to move upward, but not necessarily up the trees, some preferred moving up our arms, onto our necks and even to our hair.  A couple really sneaky beetles also found their way up my pant leg, talk about a surprise!  In fact, I still feel like I've got something crawling on me!

This evening was our staff/ intern/ volunteer party on the Terrace, and it was great.  I am really glad I decided to stay, it was really enjoyable to mingle with the staff and have great conversation in a more laid back setting.  Plus, it was one of the first times I have actually got to sit back and enjoy the garden.  I have spent a lot of time out on the Terrace watering, cleaning up containers and aquatics, etc. and tonight I was able to appreciate it all!  I got also got a few good tips on some more things to check out in my last few weekends here, like some of the local wineries.  I am looking forward to making the most of the next 25 days because I know they are going to go by way too fast! 

On a side note, the family has been doing a splendid job at keeping me sufficiently jealous via text and photo!  I am so happy to hear they are enjoying themselves, but do I ever wish I was sitting next to them in the stands observing some Olympic beach volleyball!  I am looking forward to seeing them again too, it's starting to sink it that it's already been two months away, that's longer than ever before.  As much as I miss them, it's been so good for me, and I have grown so much. 

I have been having difficulty captioning my pictures lately, too.  The button I used to use no longer appears, but hopefully everything is pretty self-explanatory and correlates with my writing!  You're all very intelligent, I am sure you can figure it out.  I would love to promise an exciting post from the upcoming weekend, but I can tell you all already that won't be the case.  My intern project has been moved to number one on the priority list!  Plus, I work all day Sunday, so please join me in praying for rain so I can be extra productive without having to water everything! 

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