Friday, August 10, 2012

Then There Were Two

It's been a long week without an update from the shores of Lake Erie, however I'm back with plenty to share. It's currently a rainy Friday, who knew I'd ever be saying that! Of course, I've got a long weekend so naturally rain would be forecasted everyday.  However, a little rain isn't enough to stop me, I've got plans to tackle a few more things on my Cleveland sights to see list!

Before I begin another exciting weekend, one of my last unfortunately, I would like to share about my last week which kept so busy I didn't even have time to blog.  As the end is in sight for me, we are already down to two interns remaining since Dragana finished up her last day earlier this week.  With her departure planned, we also had to squeeze in some time to present our independent study intern research projects.  Naturally, all the final details were saved to the last minute creating a few sleepless nights and organized chaos at my desk!  Thankfully, my Sunday at work was a productive one, let's just say checking the radar that morning was the highlight of my day. 

The lack of sleep and pencil shavings scattered all over my bedroom floor were all worth it, because I truly enjoyed working on this project.  I put a lot of thought and effort into my presentation on the redesign of Cleveland Botanical Garden's Courtyard Garden. I believe I was successful in creating something appealing to everyone who watched the interns present their topics.  Not only was I happy with the turn out, but I was so happy to let my creative side take control once again.  In switching my majors from design to horticulture a year ago, I became quite discouraged and I felt I wasn't capable of creating something worth a look.  Thanks to the CBG horticulture staff and my mentor, Larry, I was really able to build up my self-confidence and let my creativity take control.  This is just another reason to add to the list of why I am thankful for taking this wonderful opportunity and learning so many new things about my career goals as well as myself.  And despite my nerves and great fear of public speaking, I had an overwhelming feeling of calmness immediately prior to standing in front of some of the most influential people of the gardens.  I was pleased with how well my presentation went, and even more satisfied to hear how much everyone enjoyed it!  I cannot even explain the great feeling I had when I realized all of my hard work had really paid off. 

A couple excerpts from my presentation materials
After a great afternoon of presentations and praise from the staff, including the Executive Director of the garden, it was right back to work for the interns.  I started tackling the roses in the Rose Garden.  It is quite the task, there is still a lot to be done, too!  First off, they need to be dead-headed followed by removal of some infected leaves and finally weeding of each of the beds.  Dead-heading is done, but the next task is a bit more daunting.  Some of the roses are infected with black spot causing them to well obviously get black spots on their leaves, as well as turning yellow.  These leaves need to be removed to attempt preventing further spread of the soil-borne fungal disease.  On any other plant, this wouldn't be so bad, but thorny stems take this task to a whole new level.  Even gloves can't always keep the thorns from reaching your skin, and believe me it's a shock when that happens.  Despite the painful work, I was able to continue with my creativity and create a small floral arrangement.  Most of the roses were already well on their way to the end, so the flowers weren't ideal to work with and I had limited resources, but it was still fun for me!

Tuesday evening was rather exciting as well, as I got to support the Twins as they contributed to an eleven game losing streak for 'The Tribe.'  Actually, despite of 14-3 victory for Minnesota the night before, this game was a little less exciting until the very end when the Twins got three runs to take the lead by one and eventually get the W!  Besides a win, it was also a pleasant evening spent with a friend whom I haven't seen in nearly two years.  It was a great to catch up, as well as enjoy our $6 seats, which I might add were the best seats I have ever had at a baseball game!  It was a pleasant way to unwind from a stressful few days of presentation preparation, plus the view was fantastic. 

The rest of the week went by rather quickly, and I mostly continued working with the roses and spent a bit of time in the working glasshouse as well.  Oh, and how could I forget to mention our next daunting project, something to be classified as an 'intern' project for sure!  Except, everyone is pitching in for this task, so I can't complain.  It's time to continue our clean up of the service yard and take a trip, or a few trips, to the recycling center.  That is, all of those pots- small to large, square or round, green or black, etc. need to be organized into similar groups.  And of course it wasn't kept organized earlier this spring, so we get to go through and match up like with like, which unfortunately may take a lot longer than most would think.  As organized and meticulous as I am, I am worried this may be too overwhelming of a task for me even!  Oh well, with a little teamwork I am sure we can get it done in no time at all.

Well, that's what has been happening in my life over the last week.  Only two more left, I don't quite know which emotions I have about this either.  It's as if I am happy and sad at the same time, if that is at all possible.  Oh well, I plan to make the best of it.  This rainy weekend will be the perfect excuse for me to take in a few of the local museums and perhaps an evening at Playhouse Square in the Theatre District.  I will be sure to get back to you with all of the details.  Until then, enjoy the weekend! 

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