Monday, September 24, 2012

In Need of Some Serious Zen

Another busy week has ended with a more relaxing one on the horizon (hopefully...)!  This week, students created a Japanese 'Zen' Design, except it clearly wasn't able to affect me appropriately.  My schedule is on serious overload.  I do enjoy being busy though, it helps me keep focused when I most need it.  Back to design though, I must say this was one of my favorites from taking the course last year.  I enjoyed the simplicity of it yet it's capability of still being a stunning conversation piece.  Minimal materials were used and the concept of negative space was heavily emphasized.  Before the students got to designing, they first got a look at the materials which will be on their 'Flower I.D. Quiz.' 

I arranged each other the materials in order by the way they appeared on the handout, something which seemed like the logical thing to do.  However, Neil noticed it and complemented my organization.  I attributed this characteristic to my mother which was a surprise to him, clearly he doesn't know her as well as I do!  They did have a chance to meet last year when mom tagged along on our class field trip to Koehler and Dramm.  He thought she was quiet, which is odd considering I have never seen her so excited as that day roaming through the flower coolers. 

Oh, and how could I forget I had take my organization a bit further and make new labels for all of the bud vases.  The prior labels didn't all match and some did not even exist, so why wouldn't I make new ones? (And attach them with pink raffia to add an extra touch!)  I also showed off each vase to the class, and I am still working on my public speaking skills.  I got especially nervous attempting to enunciate a few of the scientific terminologies.  I feel like I am getting better though, slowly working up to leading lecture and lab by myself in a few weeks!

Next up were the designs.  Once again, the students all did a wonderful job.  There is really an array of creativity and it's great to watch it all unfold.  Plus, it freshens up my views and gives me the opportunity to check out some new thoughts and ideas.  As I looked back to compare my design from last year to this year's design, it was fun for me to compare and contrast differences.  For instance, this year when Neil and I went to market there were no galax leaves available.  So, we simply had to improvise.  It reinforced in me that things aren't always going to work out the way you hope or intend, so sometimes you just have to work with what you have and go from there.  A lesson which can come in handy in more than just floral design!

I was also able to fit in a trip to the Como Zoo & Conservatory, too.  It was a beautiful day to visit, and I have missed that place.  Como is one place that I can always go when I am having a tough day, it always seems to make me feel better and brighten my day.  And no surprise there, flowers are one thing that can always make me smile.  Unfortunately, it's not that often that I am the recipient of a beautiful boquet so I settle for a mini retreat to Como instead.  Being back for the first time following my summer at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens really brought on some reminiscing.  For instance the North Garden at Como is very similar to CBG's Costa Rica exhibit.  I miss those days spent chatting with Mark and enjoying the commotion of birds and butterflies amongst the lush, tropical plants. 

Now, it is Monday and time for a new design again.  Hopefully my next blog finds its way to you a bit sooner than this one!  In theory it should considering I have a relaxing, catch up weekend planned but then again things don't always go as planned!  So until then, enjoy this lovely fall weather because before you know it, it will be snowing (oh wait, it already was once at home!)

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