Saturday, July 7, 2012

Set My World on Fire

For the first time ever, I spent the Fourth of July holiday working.  I was dreading it, but in reality it really wasn't too terrible.  Things were laid back as some of the horticulturists had taken off the holiday and not too many guests were visiting.  It helped to know that I was going to spend my evening near the water enjoying fireworks over Lake Erie! I met some friends at Whiskey Island, which is actually a peninsula out into the lake.  Friends, grilling, some refreshments - what more could I ask for, it was great holiday. Plus, I spent more time combing the beach to expand my sea glass collection. 
Whiskey Island
Sea Glass

The fireworks were shot off from an old Coast Guard station over the water.  Boats were all gathered in the bay, and it reminded me of the fireworks show back home on Lake Vermilion.  The show was great, my favorites were the sparkly gold and blue star fireworks.  Fireflies and a lightning display complemented the fireworks, too.

Fireworks at Whiskey Island

Thursday morning was quite stormy and kept us inside for awhile.  Dragana and I spent some time cleaning up and re-organizing some of the storage spaces.  We decided to brave the weather and took out the gator to start picking up sticks and scout for any storm damage.  Unfortunately, the lightning was still striking and we were sent back inside.  The storm really did some damage, but mostly outside of the fence.  There were a few downed tree branches and lots of sticks and acorns.  Once the lightning stopped, I had the joy of blowing off the sidewalks.  It was a task, considering everything was wet and the extensive amount of debris left behind from the storm.  I spent two hours straight with backpack on, my shoulders were quite sore after that!

Storm Damage
Temperatures dropped with the storm, but it only took about an hour to get back into the 90s again.  This weather is unbelievable, but it appears to be cooling down in the near future.  At least with this rain, we haven't had to spend quite as much time with the watering routine.  I have also been getting more and more familiar with some of my entomology lessons.  I saw a Preying Mantis for the the first time on Friday.  I learned that this little guy was still pretty young and will grow to be double in size.  It was actually quite fascinating to watch him crawl all over my hand and I loved the color!

Young Preying Mantis
It's hard to believe that another whole week has come to an end, this summer is going by way too quickly.  I have truly been enjoying my time in Cleveland, and I have created a lot of memories which I will never forget.  And next week, I get a chance to help out in the glasshouse.  I will be working in the Costa Rica biome, and I am excited to let everyone know how it goes!

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