Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Family, Friends, and Food

Getting settled into a new city for the summer has already proven to be exciting.  Thanks to my mom and dad for joining me on the thirteen hour drive towards the beginning of a new journey in my life and making for an entertaining few days getting to know the area.  It seems as if I am living in a dream, well at the least the neighborhood of Little Italy is like a dream. I have already fell in love with the few blocks of amazing Italian restaurants, endless flavors of gelato, and friendly people.  It's like I haven't even left home and "Minnesota nice."  Besides exploring Little Italy and already developing some favorites (Presti's Bakery and Mama Santa's Restaurant), we also explored the Cedar Road, downtown and lakefront areas. 

Delicious Fruit Eclair from Presti's Bakery

Homemade Spaghetti and Meatballs from Mama Santas

Cedar Road took up most of our Saturday with excellent shopping and a local art festival.  We really do live in a small world, we met and chatted with a jewelry maker who hails from St. Cloud!  Next site-seeing stop was downtown. Unlike my small neighborhood, downtown was less exciting and did not include the charm of the old men sitting outside chatting while sipping their coffees and smoking cigars.  I did enjoy the sites of Lake Erie, which provides a stunning backdrop for downtown as well as the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.  This is still on my list of sites to visit, but we did make a quick stop to capture a few fun photos. 

Rock n Roll Hall of Fame (as well as my fabulous new handbag!)

Lake Erie at Dusk

All in all, it was an enjoyable few days exploring Cleveland with my family and getting settled into my new four walls for the summer.  Next step is the beginning of my exciting internship experience at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens!  I am looking forward to getting to know the staff and working in the gardens for the next three months, let the adventure begin!

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